Monday, September 19, 2016

Summer Exercise Series: The Last Summer Weekend Workout

To celebrate the last summer weekend of 2016, I decided to go the distance!!
Sat: 10K pace & 3K recovery
Sun: Half marathon run (one long way, new scene and nice view!)

I had to make some stops and walking breaks as I'm still relatively new to 13m distance, even though I went 60 secs slower per mile. 

My last 3 miles was full of calf cramps but I'm glad that I could finish it!
The soreness wasn't as bad as I thought. Maybe the intense stretching and foam rolling were the reasons.  I also focused on rolling my old injury and it did not act up at all the next day.  The only pain was my stiff neck + headache.  It could be due to the fact that I start carrying a drinking water bottle and my shoulder was too tensed up while holding it. Maybe it's time for a running belt?

Monday, September 5, 2016

Summer Exercise Series: Post long run recovery and short runs

Even with lots of stretching and rolling, my legs are still a little sore today.  But not as bad as I thought.  So this morning I did more stretches and went out for short runs in the evening. Ran 1 mile on a good pace (20" faster than my 10K avg pace against strong headwind), then power walked 1 mile on 13'35".  Ran 1 mile again on a faster pace (1'15" faster with tail wind). Finally my thighs and calves caved in with cramps, I had to walk the find mile slowly.  Back to stretchs and rolling again!

I also tried GU gel packs and Nuun tablets.  They seem to be great giving a quick energy boost.  I'm going to take some more and see if my recovery time can be shortened. 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Summer Exercise Series: Half Marathon

I really have been slacking off big time in August.  From the old injury bothering my right leg again, to following closely on the Olympics, to staying cool under the multiple heat waves, I really need to stop procrastinating. 

Last 2 weeks I spent some time at the gym, but I am finally back out running on the road.  With Hermine weakening and moving out further east, the threat of flooding is now less likely for NYC, tourists, bikers, runners and park strollers were jamming up the walking trail.  (A rollerblader and a biker almost ran into me when both the biking and pedestrian paths narrowing).  I have done 10K (6.2miles) and 7 miles but really haven't run distance much longer than that.  But today I wanted to give it a try. I picked a path that I am familiar with, one that offers many alternatives (public transportation, reasonable distance for walking) in case I go cold turkey in the middle of the run.  

The general recommendations for going longer distance is to go a little slower, 30-120 seconds slower than the racing pace (in miles). So I went a little slower. Didn't look at the running app and just ran at the pace which I could talk comfortably. The first 10K wasn't that bad.  At the 12K mark I stopped a little longer for hydration and stretches.  After 15K it was more of a mental push - body was telling me to give up.  Perhaps I was too eager to finish it, I gradually started running at almost the racing pace until cramping started around 18K.  I stopped for more stretches and moved on to finish the 21.1K (13.1mi) 

To my surprised, my second 10K+1K time was almost as fast as my 10K racing record!

What a great run!