"You have big legs"
"You have amphibian legs"
"Your calves are too wide for these foots"
"Big calves don't look good in high heels/skinny jeans/shorts/skirts/dresses/crop pants/(insert fashion item)..."
"It's okay - Muscles are good"
I get it. I have bulky, defined calf muscles, more so than average girls and probably average guys. I have done short distance tracks since elementary school years. It's hereditary too. Since realizing how big/muscular they look, how much they impacted my dress codes, and how others commented about them. I have trying different methods to try to slim them down. Well or at least try to make them "look" slimmer. I looked up methods online and followed them.
-I have lost 20-25 pounds (all within the normal BMI range) and they barely changed.
-Most sources cited cardio exercise and lose the extra 'fat'. I started running longer distance. I actually ran longer distance in the recent years, but they are still proportionally bulky and defined.
-Most sites suggest walking a lot, avoid high heel shoes that put pressure on the ball of foot which is working the calf muscles, jogging a lot, massaging the area a lot.
-A trainer suggested doing target calf exercises (weighted standing calf raises), stretch a lot, then do not intake any protein to let the muscles reduce themselves. I saw some results, but also resulted in a lot of cramps.
-A ex-ballerina emphasized on stretching, especially this one, for 3 mins each side at the end of the day. This position elongate and stretch out the muscles
Honestly, I did not see any significant results. I was a little disappointed. Maybe they just don't work for me, or maybe for hereditary reason there's nothing much I can do, and I just have to live with the bulky muscles. Then out of nowhere, I came across a method that finally worked for me.
No, it does not require painful and costly calf muscle reduction surgery. I will never go under the knife for cosmetic reasons.
Since running more regularly and covering more distance, I also started foam rolling. It's basically a roller that you go back and forth on, and it acts as a deep tissue massage.
It hurts a lot when you are rolling on it. But same as a good sports massage, it helps to stretch out and elongate the muscles, trigger the points and release lactic acid build up so you can reduce soreness and cramps. It also smooths out the muscles for me. After my distance runs or bikes, I roll and press on it. For calves I press on every single point of the muscle and move side ways for 20 times. (NEVER roll over your knee/kneecap). The result from an exercise with rolling is amazing. Very sore but relieved afterwards. Post rolling I can almost look like I haven't been wearing heels/doing standing calf raises all day!