Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday Workout

Longest workout on foot

Sunday late morning - midday: Sunny at 82F/27C
10K GWB bound run; 11K walk then grocery shopping :)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sunday Workout

The ligament is really acting up again, I had to go in a much slower pace today.  A light 10K southbound & park run follow by a 7K northbound bike.  At an 80-85F sunny day, with low relative humidity, it was surprisingly comfortable. My afternoon plan: facial masks and relax! Then Father's Day celebration!

Evening update: 5K racewalk followed by a 8K bike @ the gym. I put in 30K today from all the exercises!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

New Exercise Gadgets

After the mini 10K from last weekend, my ligament is acting up again :(

The 5K on the very next day and on Tuesday probably made it worse. So in the past week it was time for recovery. I also find that my sneakers might not fit the best for the mileage/training that I'm doing now. So I started to look for sneakers that provide better fit/comfort and a roller that is better for target rolling areas.

So here's what I got: Bollinger Muscle roller and Nike Zoom Pegasus 33 (the sneakers are not in the exact color as the pic below)

The evening run was a lot more comfortable, and I was content with the 5K time. (Among the top 3 recorded)  Ligament still hurts but the sunset and the nice weather made up the difference!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Truly Madly Deeply

A great song by Savage Garden. This is covered by Cascada. I love this version and used to listen to it all the time. She has a beautiful voice but is often overpowered by auto-tuned and sound effects from her dance music.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

I Did It!

#Mini10K completed
Met my targeted time.  Content with the 5K time, unfortunately couldn't keep up the pace after 7K...anyway, it was a fun run!

Friday, June 10, 2016

How to Make Bulky Calf Muscles Look Slimmer/More Toned

"You have big legs"
"You have amphibian legs"
"Your calves are too wide for these foots"
"Big calves don't look good in high heels/skinny jeans/shorts/skirts/dresses/crop pants/(insert fashion item)..."
"It's okay - Muscles are good"

I get it. I have bulky, defined calf muscles, more so than average girls and probably average guys. I have done short distance tracks since elementary school years.  It's hereditary too. Since realizing how big/muscular they look, how much they impacted my dress codes, and how others commented about them. I have trying different methods to try to slim them down.  Well or at least try to make them "look" slimmer.  I looked up methods online and followed them. 

-I have lost 20-25 pounds (all within the normal BMI range) and they barely changed. 

-Most sources cited cardio exercise and lose the extra 'fat'.  I started running longer distance. I actually ran longer distance in the recent years, but they are still proportionally bulky and defined. 

-Most sites suggest walking a lot, avoid high heel shoes that put pressure on the ball of foot which is working the calf muscles, jogging a lot, massaging the area a lot.

-A trainer suggested doing target calf exercises (weighted standing calf raises), stretch a lot, then do not intake any protein to let the muscles reduce themselves.  I saw some results, but also resulted in a lot of cramps. 

-A ex-ballerina emphasized on stretching, especially this one, for 3 mins each side at the end of the day. This position elongate and stretch out the muscles

Honestly, I did not see any significant results.  I was a little disappointed.  Maybe they just don't work for me, or maybe for hereditary reason there's nothing much I can do, and I just have to live with the bulky muscles.  Then out of nowhere, I came across a method that finally worked for me.

No, it does not require painful and costly calf muscle reduction surgery. I will never go under the knife for cosmetic reasons. 

Since running more regularly and covering more distance, I also started foam rolling.  It's basically a roller that you go back and forth on, and it acts as a deep tissue massage.  

It hurts a lot when you are rolling on it. But same as a good sports massage, it helps to stretch out and elongate the muscles, trigger the points and release lactic acid build up so you can reduce soreness and cramps.  It also smooths out the muscles for me. After my distance runs or bikes, I roll and press on it.  For calves I press on every single point of the muscle and move side ways for 20 times. (NEVER roll over your knee/kneecap).  The result from an exercise with rolling is amazing.  Very sore but relieved afterwards.  Post rolling I can almost look like I haven't been wearing heels/doing standing calf raises all day!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Continue from the last post:

Sat: Trail - Ran 3.23 miles
Sun: Trail - Biked 6 miles @ NJ. Then got drenched with torrential rain 1 mile before getting back!!

Stupid me. I tried to go a little further and on the way back, when I was about 1 mile away from my sister's place. This downpour came fast and furious on me and I had nowhere to hide, and the path was quickly deluged.  Luckily I found a little shed that is the park office so I stood under the roof for cover.  Then my sister came to pick me up. Later that night, I started with a minor sore throat and it progressed to minor cold/flu symptoms on 

Mon: Low fever, headache, and congested.  I don't remember much except going to bed early. I guess that counted as my rest day. With 9 hours of sleep I was recharged. No more fever nor sore throat; everything seemed to clear up.  Need a good workout. 

Tue: Gym - Ran 1 mile (sprint). Biked 7.5 miles (fartlek) 

Ok the title is a bit exaggerated.  It's not that serious. While most cold/flu symptoms last for a few days, I think it goes away rather quickly this time because of the upcoming race. Tomorrow I plan to do some strength training for the hills, then maybe 4 easy miles on Thursday and followed by 2 easy miles on Friday!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Workout + Training + Weekend Getaway

I guess the original diet + staying healthy plan has evolved into something a little (really, just a little) more serious.

Ever since I started running again this year, I have been taking some more challenges with the advice from others who also workout. They have suggested me to add strength training, build stronger core, run longer courses, beat my own personal record, exercise more frequently, and choose alternative workout methods to help running pace etc. I have done all. During the workouts I had set goals and challenged myself as well, but there's one thing I haven't followed - search and join a race. The last time I did this was the 3.5mi JP Morgan corporate challenge a few years ago in Chicago.  Other than that I really haven't done any other races or competitions.  I know my pace is only around average in runners my age, and I planned to exercise to stay healthy for myself - not a competition with anyone.  However, after a few persistent persuasions from others, I was convinced to join a 10K race.  The location is close by, and it's a route I have done before, I told myself that I'll just try to set an easy goals, something I've achieved before. 

But a few weeks before the actual race day I have gotten more serious about really achieving this goal, especially after seeing my record deteriorated during days with semi heat wave.  I was almost 1 min slower for each split during the sunny and humid evenings, on a route that has minimal elevations.  I was not happy, this means that if the temperature happens to be warm on the race day, at this pace, I would be few minutes slower than my target goal time.  Not good. 

Again, I know I am not competing with anyone and just trying to do the best I can with a result I had in mind, but deep down inside, I know I will get a bit competitive on the race day when all runners are motivated and strive to challenge themselves. So from semi-lazy self that works out few times a week, I turned on this "hate to lose" attitude and pushed myself to work out almost everyday. (Well, except during the mini getaway.  More to follow)

I started eating healthier breakfasts, leaner lunches, and stricter dinners; reducing indulgences during hunger or after a great workout; and following tips on training to endure high temperature, and trying fartlek program to help with strength and endurance (performance). Here are my workouts for the past 2 weeks.

Week 1 
Mon: Gym - Biked 6 miles; ran 1 mile
Tue: Gym - Ran 3.11 miles (5K)
Wed: Gym - Biked 10 miles (Fartlek)
Thur: Trail - Ran 3.2 miles 
Fri: Trail - Ran 3.1 miles

Sat-Sun: Mini Getaway for the long weekend.  Probably 50 lunges on Saturday. 

Mon: Trail - Ran 6.23 miles (10K)
Tue: Trail - Ran 2 miles; 4x 100m Sprint
Wed: Gym - Biked 20 miles! (Fartlek)
Thur: Gym - 200m walking lunges; biked 7 miles
Fri: Gym - Biked 10 miles
Sat update: Trail - Ran 3.23 miles
Sun update: Trail - Biked 6 miles @ NJ. Then got drenched with torrential rain 1 mile before getting back!!

Before the race, I probably did some high intensity exercises 2-3 days a week, along with 1-2 5K or 10K weekly.  But these days I almost feel lazy for missing my daily workout.  I guess I understand the benefits of joining a race - it's really not for competition, but to motivate myself to do better, eat right, stay healthy, and exercise more regularly and effectively.  After 2 weeks I did see a bit more results in the original diet plan.  While keeping up with the preparation for the race, I do feel more energetic and positive throughout the say.  I'll see how this will turn out - but so far I am open to join future races in order to push myself further!

Mini Getaway: It was a pretty fun event. Really short drive, no traffic at all. We visited a Children's museum on the first day and an aquarium on the second day.  The hotel service (an international chain) was quite poor which was forgettable, but the second hotel was much better. Not to mention I was very conscious of my food choices which was super helpful. For the little one's first ever getaway, it was a success. There are certainly things that we could've been more prepared for (bring more/less xyz items, plan more time for this or that) and even as an experienced traveler myself, I am still new to traveling with a young child. I believe that we'll learn a thing or two during each trip and then move to do better the next time around.  I really look forward to the next getaway!